Meanwhile, Mimi packs up Stevie's stuff and Ariane come over. Mimi wants it to work but she can't handle Stevie still messing around with Joseline. Ariane wants her to be done for good and believes that she will fall into Stevie's arms again, though Mimi promises she won't.
Later, at Scrappy's house, we find out Scrappy had an asthma attack and Momma Dee goes over to see him. She finds out from him that Erica called somebody else to take him to the hospital, which leaves Scrappy to feel like she doesn't have that affection for him. Dee tells him that he has some decisions to make over who he should be with.
Later Mimi and K Michelle meet for mani/pedis and Mimi reveals that Joseline has been sending her threatening texts, which doesn't make sense because Mimi is the one who should be mad at the situation. K also tells Mimi about her drama with Karlie and tells Mimi that she needs to set up a meeting with her.
At Scrappy's house,Shay goes to visit and was supportive of him during his asthma attack. He asks her if she would want her ex to see her if she was in his situation, but Shay thinks it depends on the extent of the relationship. She personally doesn't believe that Erica had to be there because she was there. They talk about forming a relationship. I personally never saw that spark between Erica and Scrappy anyway, even though they have a child together.
Karlie is finally meeting with Stevie about working on some tracks with her. He's reluctant because she "ratted him out" to Mimi. However, her management is Cash Money and Stevie's mind immediately changes. He tells her that they have to eliminate that drama aka "Karlie, don't run your mouth about what he does." Then he asks her to do a little performance for him, during which she was ALL the way off key, but a pretty face gets into the industry most times. Joseline comes in during the performance, and Stevie drops the news that he wants them towork together and Joseline is not for it. She asks a good question: If Karlie is signed with Cash Money, why can't she do a song with Nicki Minaj? Or somebody else on the label? However, Joseline does agree to do the song for Stevie.
After leaving the studio, Karlie is approached by Benzino outside and they flirt. Benzino asks Karlie out on a proper date, and they plan to go out soon.
Later, Erica and Momma Dee get in an argument about Scrappy and how Erica should have been there for her. I understand having to work, but when someone close to you is going through something like that, how would you not want to see if he's okay? Scrappy has a talk with Erica and is upset but doesn't wanna waste his time waiting on her to become affectionate. They have a huge fight about Erica not being there during his asthma attack, and the breakup is implied. Meanwhile, Mimi drops Stevie's stuff out at his new spot. He tries to talk to her and wants to go see a therapist, but Mimi drives off, leaving Stevie to pick up his stuff in the driveway.
Later, Erica meets with K Michelle and Rasheeda in the park, and spills about the fight that went down with her and Scrappy. Though it's obvious they aren't together anymore, Erica still doesn't believe that it's about another woman. Little does she know that Shay and Scrappy are semi-together.
Meanwhile, K Michelle, Karlie and Mimi meet for drinks, and to talk about their drama. Mimi is tired of Karlie always saying that Stevie is messing with some woman. However, when Mimi is trying to sort out her issues with Karlie, K brings up the fact that Karlie doesn't need to be running her mouth to other producers saying that they don't need to be working with K. Michelle. The drama ensues when Karlie shakes a table to threaten K. Michelle, who proceeds to throw silverware wrapped up in a napkin at her head. The ladies yell in the restaurant and try to fight, prompting the show's security to grab K and move her into the bathroom in the restaurant. Oh, and side note, how you can officially tell the show is scripted, notice how during these altercations where the "public" is sitting, they don't say a word, move, or even look up? Sigh. It's funny to watch the drama though, which is why people tune in week after week.
Be sure to catch new episodes of Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta every Monday at 8 p.m. ET, only on VH1!
Photo via VH1
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