Another week of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta! Picking up from last week, Joseline and Stevie contiinue their conversation about the fact that she's pregnant and that it's probably Stevie's kid. Stevie doubt it's his, and Joseline plans to get money from him for the baby just for not believing her. She supposedly sees who he is really is now, and doesn't want him anymore just that quick. Whatever.
Meanwhile, K Michelle meets with producer B. Cox about her upcoming music showcase, which is important to her brand as it will be a way of reintroducing her to record executives and others. Industry people think that she's crazy after hearing how she yelled and screamed at Jive Records over spent money with no new music for her. However, B. Cox tells her she has to get past the past. People are terrified that she is going to go crazy on them if things don't go her way, but she has to prove to them that she is an amazing artist that is willing to work to better her career.
At Momma Dee's house, Scrappy talks to her about moving out from Erica's house. He's still tripping about Erica not being affectionate enough with him. Momma Dee wonders if he still is going to be with her, and he says he'll try, but he's leaving if things don't work out. Apparently the logic is that he should be with other chicks who will give him what he wants than to be with one chick who doesn't give him that affection (though I think you want to work on finding one chick that will give you that affection, but that's just me).
The next day, Rasheeda meets with Kirk and they talk about her being so late to the video. Rasheeda did it purposely, apparently because she feels shortchanged as an artist, but all that did was cut into the already small budget. As I've said from the beginning, I don't think that them being husband and wife and then manager and artist is really working for them. Rasheeda should probably think about finding new management, management that will not only be willing to work with her budget and try to get her more support, but also management who she doesn't have to fight with at home over her career.
That night, Erica is having second thoughts about Scrappy moving out, and she surprises him with a romantic night with flowers, candles, champagne, the works to try to convince him to stay. However he still wants to go, but also work on their relationship. It was cute that Erica did that for him, though.
The next night, K. Michelle invites all of the ladies (minus Joseline of course) to her showcase. She sings a new song "Bury My Heart." She is very talented and impresses the audience. During the showcase, Karlie drops the bomb that there is another girl that Stevie's been messing with at the party. Mimi is beyond tired of hearing about all of these different girls, and brushes Stevie off when he approaches her. When Erica started mocking Stevie's advances, especially because she thought that he was just some random dude, the two got into an argument with Stevie getting disrespectful, calling her a b*tch.
The next day, Mimi talks to Stevie about going off on Erica, and he says he wants to apologize because he was drunk and heated. He talks about her ladies spreading rumors that he was cheating with this woman at the showcase, but, of course, doesn't admit that he's messed with other women. Just to clear things up, Stevie J and Mimi have not been together for 15 years. They've known each other for that long, but have been together for six, though the time that they were together doesn't justify his behavior. Point blank period, if you are committed to someone, you are committed to that one person. Mimi doesn't want artists or other women to come in between their relationship, but I think that it's time she just let it go.
Back at her apartment, Joseline meets up with her neighbor and best friend Reuben to talk about the baby. She feels that if it wasn't for Stevie, she would still be in her old life in the strip club. Apparently, Stevie has repeatedly threatened her career if she told anyone that they were messing with each other. Reuben advises her to talk to Mimi and Stevie about all of this, and asks her what she'll do about the baby. "I'm just gonna have to do what I have to do," she responds, implying that she's going to get an abortion.
Later, Erica tells Scrappy about the incident that went down with Stevie J. Scrappy automatically gets mad for him getting out of line like that, and makes plans to approach Stevie later on. TROUBLE! Meanwhile, K. Michelle goes to visit Ariane to get her opinion on the showcase. She also reveals that Miss Karlie went up to B. Cox and said he signed the wrong artist, and that he should sign her. What I want to know is, what does Karlie Redd do?! We saw her rap in...I forgot what language she was rapping to Stevie J in. However, she hasn't done anything substantial. At least I and others have heard of K. Michelle before this show and listened to her. Who are you to go up to anyone's producer and tell them they're working with the wrong artist, like you're somebody? Girl, sit!
K. Michelle meets with Jeff about possibly managing her She still books shows, but it's not enough. She asks him to manage her, because she knows he knows what to do. He tells him that if they do decide to work together, she has to take responsibility for herself and her brand.
Later on in the night, Joseline meets with Mimi and she tells her that she's pregnant by Stevie. Mimi's dingbat behind doesn't want to believe that it's his baby, saying that Joseline has probably been messing with other dudes. When Stevie texts Joseline, Mimi tells her to tell him to come up here, which he does. Stevie's dumb behind was carrying the pregnancy test in her pocket, and surprisingly admits that he had sex with her a month ago. Mimi walks away, though a little too calmly for my liking. She leaves Joseline and Stevie to get into their own little argument about Joseline running to Mimi about the situation without him. This entire pregnancy situation is a mess and a half!
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