I WILL have these last two recaps done before tonight's episode of The Challenge: Free Agents! Picking up from episode 8, T.J. sends the house a clue, saying that they will have to “dig deep” at the next challenge! The house heads to sleep, and Jessica and Laurel even have a little slumber party! The calm before the storm, I guess!
The next day, T.J. introduces the teams to their next challenge, Dug Out, which they’ll be playing in teams of two, girls and guys. There is a maze dug out in the ground, and each player has to run through the maze to get their team’s balls from one stand to the other. However, the way the maze is set, they are bound to run into each other! The girls go first, and it’s crazy. Some people move really slow as to avoid running into people, like Laurel, which annoys Devyn to the max. In spite of it, Theresa and Nany end up taking the win for the girls. The guys’ round is a little more intense, and ultimately CT and Zach win. The four players are safe from elimination, and will vote one guy and one girl into the elimination round later.
When Theresa, Nany, CT, and Zach get back to the house, they automatically go into deliberation mode. The guys consider Cohutta for the guys, which definitely gets Nany concerned. She lets Cohutta know, and Cohutta tells her to do something about it. The house goes out to party the nigh away, and Theresa mentions to Leroy that he might be going up for elimination, but it’s like Leroy doesn’t even care. He doesn’t try to make a deal or talk his way out of anything. In the end though, Jessica and Cohutta are voted into elimination. The other losing players will be entered into the Draw before the competition. Jessica feels pretty calm about the whole thing, but Nany is worried about Cohutta possibly being eliminated.
At the elimination, Leroy and Cara Maria pull the Kill Card to face Cohutta and Jessica. The game of the night: Balls In, which is one of my favorites because it takes both strategy and physicality. Of course, the object is to get your ball into the center bin as the other player plays defense to try to block you. Each round, the players switch positions. The best out of five rounds wins. It’s a tough game for Jessica and Cara Maria, and surprisingly Jessica goes hard! However, Cara Maria finally wins, sending Jessica home. I didn’t leave unimpressed by Jessica, though. Who knew she had that in her?! Cohutta and Leroy then go head to head, and it’s hard to watch because Leroy is a huge giant, and Cohutta’s just a tiny little guy. Leroy wins three rounds straight, eliminating Cohutta from the game.
At the end of elimination, Cara finds out from the medic that her hand might be broken and she’ll need an x-ray. Of course, she gets emotional because if her hand is broken, she’s going to be sent home. That would definitely suck this close to the final!
Watch new episodes of The Challenge: Free Agents on Thursday nights at 10 p.m. ET only on MTV!
Image via MTV
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