Theresa talks to Aneesa about feeling betrayed by Diem after last week's elimination. Theresa came in this game as a really nice person, and I'm not saying that she should ever lose that. However, THIS IS A GAME. She needs to learn that everybody is playing this game to win, or at least they should and she should too. Yes, everybody has different friends in the house, but it's a CHALLENGE, and the main objective is to get that money! We can hang out after this is over. Theresa expresses that she only trusts her partner Jasmine in this game, as she should. Since they won the last challenge, they get to pick the order of this challenge coming up, so they need to make smart choices! That night, the house gets a clue from T.J. for the challenge. "They always say keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Wonder what that could mean???
The next day, the teams play "Frenemies." T.J. calls for half of the girls' teams to come over to him, and tells the other girls to walk by the wall. Nobody knows what T.J. is about to have them do! After T.J. tells the girls next to him to rejoin the boys, he reveals the objective of the challenge. One partner from each team is going to be suspended in a harness over 30 feet of water. T.J. will ask a series of questions to the teams about their partners, which have to match up with their partner's own answers. One strike, you get a warning. The second, the partner in the harness is dropped into the water, and that team is eliminated. Since Jasmine is being put into the harness, Theresa has to make the order by herself.

Back at the house, Theresa tries to get some of the Rookie guys to throw in Aneesa and Diem for the Jungle, saying that she will have the Rookies' backs if they do. Theresa is just scared to go in, honestly. Though they say they will try, Marlon and Jordan believe that they should make a power move to shake up the house. Johnny gives his two cents that they should lay low, but Marlon basically tells him to mind his business. At deliberation, Diem and Aneesa, Cara and Cooke, and Theresa and Jasmine all get one vote. Marlon and Jordan then decide to go with Theresa and Jasmine,seeing as thought Diem and Aneesa have had their back since day one. Theresa is irritated, but she shouldn't be. This is a GAME. Get over it. Both Jasmine and Theresa are livid, and plan on getting revenge if they come back. Jasmine asks Jonna why she would give Jordan the time of day. Theresa goes off on Jordan, saying that there will be consequences if she comes back. Girl bye. People play this game way too personally, with too many emotions.

Back at the house, Jonna watches Jordan work out, flirting and laughing with him. Jonna. Nany watches, feeling like Jonna absolutely has to have male attention. She wants her to be focused on the game, and not guys!
Hard to believe that we're halfway through The Challenge, and, as the teams get closer and closer to the money, the drama heats up! Check out a sneak peek of what the rest of the season below, and watch all new episodes of The Challenge: Rivals II on Wednesdays at 10 p.m. only on MTV!
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The Challenge (Season 24), Full Episodes
Images and Video via MTV
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