Check out my recap below!
At the beginning of the episode, Tasha proposes that Malik go to a bar mitzvah to earn some easy money. Malik, as we later see, is in some serious debt, though he does not realize at the time. He accepts.
Meanwhile, Derwin secures a Verizon endorsement deal under Irv, who Derwin has rehired as his manager after Irv dropped him as a client. Melanie, however, felt insulted since she was not consulted, and wants to be a part of the decision making in this "Derwin Davis" legacy, even suggesting that she possibly take over as his manager. Derwin, however, decides to put her as "Irv's overseer," really just to keep peace. However, Melanie takes the role to heart and tries to really overstep the bounds with Irv. I have to say it was cool to see Irv back. While even his role wasn't as hilarious like it used to be (actors can only serve what the writers dish out), he's still a funny character. Irv, of course, doesn't take Melanie's ideas seriously, coughing while she makes proposals and asking her to fetch him water and snacks. Meanwhile, it comes to light that Tasha is planning to sue Irv and Derwin for her original 10% cut on the Verizon deal, since she initiated it in the first place.
Back at his mansion, Malik's accountant reveals that Malik is dead broke. Though he signed an $80 million deal with the Sabers, half of that went to taxes, and apparently, he spent the rest building that unnecessary mansion (There's what? FOUR people living there?). The accountant cuts Malik down to $25,000 a month, which Malik almost has a heart attack on. In my mind, I'm like there are some people who don't even make that in a year, but okay. I guess when you're rich like that, $25 K is like $200. I would love to get there one day. Malik goes even crazier when he realizes that his cars (his "babies" as he calls them) have to be sold to get himself back in the clear a bit. As Malik's cars get towed away, we see that Tee Tee (who is really smarter than I think audiences give him credit for), has actually invested in stock, and pulls up in a brand new car. It's his birthday, and Malik, refusing to listen to his accountant, takes it upon himself to throw Tee Tee a birthday bash.
Later, Irv meets Tasha in court. Going against Irv, Melanie tags along, and puts her own two cents in on Tasha's lawsuit, offering an amount to Tasha to cease and desist. The deal on the paper wasn't satisfactory to Tasha, who rolls up a blunt with it, and literally smokes it! Tasha kept records of calls and transcripts, even a text from Melanie herself, that proves Tasha was the one who negotiated the original deal. The judge awards her with her original 10% of all earnings from the deal. Obviously still bitter about being fired, Tasha hits WAY below the belt telling Melanie to go home and cook Derwin a meal, and have a baby, and then says "Oh wait, you can't do either."
Malik throws a party for Tee Tee knowing he's broke. Singer Estelle shows up, and apparently it's customary to send a bottle to female celebrities when you see them? So Malik says. Guess I don't know all the rules of my beloved industry! Tasha later comes in, paying the bill on the party, asking Malik why he has to be the stereotype (being the black male celebrity-athlete figure who always want to shell out money, even if he doesn't have it).
Derwin gives Melanie the cold shoulder after Melanie messes up the deal for them. Derwin tells her that he told Irv to humor her with this "CEO" position, and that he does the real work in the "legacy." Of course, Melanie is insulted, but they later make up (Derwin is such a smooth talker. Plus he's gorgeous! Sweet talk me ANY day!). However, I can see Melanie's role as only homemaker causing a serious problem in their relationship later on down the road. Mainly because I think that Melanie is starting to become tired of it. She was never really the homemaker type, with her being in med school and all. She had dreams and goals, and now her actually serving as a doctor is being put on hold. I mean, let's be honest, she can't cook, she obviously can't negotiate deals. With the Sabers being in offseason right now, she's not really doing anything as prez of the Sunbeams. And, sad to say, she's not a mommy right now. She has nothing really to do, and I think it's boring her, which is going to cause more and more resentment towards Derwin's career later on down the road. That being said, if she introduces herself as DOCTOR Melanie Barnett-Davis one more time! GIRL. When's the last time we've seen you in a lab coat with a stethoscope on your neck? Ok, then. Either get down to a hospital, or stop doing that!
The episode was merely average, but made more sense than last week's crazy soap opera premiere. Tonight, I realized that I have to take the show for what it is, realizing that Kelsey Grammer and his team are no longer on this project, so the writing is not going to be the same. Sucks, but what can you do? Hopefully, as the football season approaches, we'll see more relevance of The Game to these characters' lives again. And a little more comedy (though I have to say, I chuckled quite a few times this episode! Upgrade!).
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