Definitely still had to give my recap of The Game. A little later than normal, because I couldn't watch it last night. I had to wait until my trusty online TV source uploaded it.
Read more below!
Jason calls Derwin and Malik down to his show, with Derwin and Malik thinking it's to squash the drama between them. However, Jason just wants to talk about his drama with Chardonnay, which Derwin and Malik don't want to hear. But when Jason tells them she was black, they stop dead in their tracks and turn back haha! Jason explains the whole situation to them to get their advice. Derwin suggests that they stay married, but on refuses. Derwin then tells him that maybe Jason should open up to her, and show her the real him.
Later Melanie and Derwin head to church Sunday morning, where they are escorted to a special VIP section where other celebrities are. I could not believe that they had here's a LEGIT VIP section, with a rope and security guard and everything! Melanie even texts the pastor earlier to hold up church just for them. Derwin even ended up getting a scalp massage during the sermon! You could tell Derwin was uncomfortable with it, because Melanie is so caught up in this VIP treatment, she's missing out on the real meaning of going to church in the first place. Plus she's signing checks to give, with prayers (more like wishes) like "Make me pregnant," and "Lose 5 pounds." WHAT? Like God is a genie, and you rub the lamp, or pay the right amount of money and all of your wishes will come true? Sigh.
Afterwards, Jason makes an appeal on his show to Chardonnay to start over from the beginning. However, Chardonnay feels like they want different things out of life. Jason then goes out with this other black woman Jennifer, who he expects to be down to earth and crazy like Chardonnay just because she's black, but she's pretty uptight, and she eventually leaves.
Later, Jason heads over to Tasha's apartment to get her help in understanding Chardonnay. Tasha tells him that he obviously isn't used to anyone telling him no. She explains to him that a black woman wants a relationship with a GOOD black man so badly, that she will wait around for him, pray for him, and then when she finally gets one, she can let him "act a fool." Which Jason realizes makes them a "bi-tter sweet chocolate morsel." She advises him to accept Chardonnay on her terms and be honest, and to read Steve Harvey's Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man. (Steve better get his promo in! The book was great, and the movie is coming out soon!).
Next Sunday at church, Derwin and Melanie sit in the regular seats, where people hound Derwin for autographs, pictures, and money. Melanie asks Derwin if everything is good back in coach. The church later has a moment for prayer requests and praise reports, with Irma P. Hall (notably as Big Mama from Soul Food, I love her!) making an appearance, with her playing a member going through some hard times financially and health wise, asking the church for prayer. Melanie gets emotional behind it, and you can tell she starts reflecting over her superior behavior.
Jason meets up with Chardonnay, and tells her that he's going to push his ego to the side and try to get on her level. Chardonnay still rejects him. He then reveals Tasha's advice to him, which turns Chardonnay off. Then he's just honest, and says that he wants her, and she has to let him show her who he really is. Chardonnay then agrees to go out with him. Awwww, how cute!
More of The Game next Tuesday!
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